Tuesday 14 May 2024


7th May 2024 - Wilmslow Albion 3 v 2 Leigh Genesis - As the season draws to a close it seems only apt that we try and get in a few grounds that we have overlooked this time around, and in fact, forever.  Wilmslow Albion are only 20 minutes from where we live, we have only been once before and the away team didn't turn up so, we thought we would try again.  The weather was perfect and after grabbing a cuppa we had a stroll and noted a few wildlife species.  There was vibrant verdant surroundings that have me pondering many returns where I can satisfy the nature needs, get my -Non-League fix and of course, enjoy a brew.  39 species was the total come game end, we also saw a few goals too and had a ruddy good time of it.  The crowd was not a crowd but a gathering of 8 people - I really do despair why folk are not off their arses supporting grassroots football - as per, there is a lot of talk, but little action - similar in fact to the love life of Clacton Flaccid - a man with great ideas but little in the way of love muscle to back it up - he is like many I know.  Thankfully I keep schtum, am a faithful man and decry wannabe shaggers, blaggers and non-promoting naggers.

And, after my slight foray into the realms of the nonsensical it was to the match.  Here folks, is what went on.

The opening spasms of the game were a trifle disjointed, there was great bustle, lots of whirring legs, ruddy faces and sweaty arses but... no real breakthroughs.  The first noteworthy flourish toward goal came via the guests No 18 (Josh Clarice) who went on a perspired wing run, delivered his cross with a cranium making the lightest of touches and No 20 (Sean Parry) arriving at the back post just a trifle too late.  In return to this the Wilmslow mob advanced but they were a trifle lax on the ball and any scent of danger blew on the spring night air.


Leigh Genesis came again, it was Clarice who was released with a touch on finding No 17 (Rob Boardman) who swivelled and let go a low spurter that lacked venom and so was easily snaffled up by the awaiting goalkeeper. Soon after another promising move came the same way with Parry moving matters on, Boardman crossing and Clarice having a decent dig - it was all irrelevant though as the referee signalled for an infringement.  Clarice for the guests had a few more sorties forth, the end product was lacking but the threats held promise.  


Minor skirmishes came at either end of the park without any composure shown.  The game rose in thermality but it needed one or two players to gain possession, control, think and play with purpose.  Clarice for Leigh was soon away again with the goal in his sights.  The keeper was left to be beat, the chance to blemish the night's score-free card was there but the shot was blazed high and looked to land on the nearby cricket pitch - Howzat - ooh me googlies.


From here we witnessed a swift move for the Albion with some in-box movement finally allowing No 9 (Kieren Casey) to have a pop at goal which was all rather weak.  No 10 (David Horan) was soon keen to improve on this effort with his own punt but the ball, that was struck from distance, was watched and caught by an ever-ready keeper.  Wilmslow were now on a roll, Casey touched on to Horan who took several looks at goal before a floating chip was executed with the ball gliding over the keeper and dropping into the net - a sugar sweet goal and a fine way to open the nights scoring account.


After a dreadful corner Leigh had a push with No 16 (Tamler Parkinson) and 8 (Tom Sims) linking up with the end shot lacking true zest... and accuracy.  The half wound down, an edginess was creeping in and I could feel the fumes of the coffee bean calling my name.  The half ended without any further incident, we went for a drink and a short wander.


The sun was cracking tonight, it was a shame hardly anyone had bothered to come and support some honest Non-League Football - I despair at times.  If the turd ain't polished and presented with great affect and piss-arse propaganda the majority don't seem to be able to motivate themselves.  As per, tis all about being seen in the right places, the hip places, the ones that satisfy the usual 'tick-box' needs - I am unswayed.


Half two began, it was a fractured beginning once again.  Leigh eventually had a flourish, a flank dash, a shot, a save and the follow-up buried - the joy was jumped on as an offside verdict was given.  A long ball for Leigh Genesis came next, No 11 (Dan Monaghan) was in and ready to level the game but the resident No 3 (Daanyaal Khan) put in a splendid tackle and followed up with some hard graft to completely quell the danger.


A free-kick for Leigh followed, Sims knocked in the globe which led to a Wilmslow break that, like the grooming qualities of Limp Lob Larry Braithwaite, promised much but resulted in no end thrill.  Leigh were quick to counter, a 3 touch move was delicious, Monaghan gathered and duly grabbed the leveler - it was truly deserved and put this game on a knife-edge (albeit a rather rusty knife that wasn't as sharp as it could be).  


The next action was quick in arriving (unlike the aforementioned Mr Braithwaite), Leigh cultivated a gratis-hoofing with a blasting taking place but the wall standing firm (Mr Braithewaite please take note).  No 7 (Rob Entwistle) for the same squad galloped forth next, put in a cross with the striker leaving it for a comrade but the home keeper reading matters well.  Leigh kept on pushing, the next goal may well be the match clincher.  Wilmslow were far from done, a cross came and the Leigh No 1 (Simon Morgan) missed it.  Entwistle waited for the ball to settle, got his nuts in a twist whilst trying to adjust his carcass and fell in a crumpled heap - the open goal was left unpenetrated and the guests breathed a sigh of great relief.


From here the hosts strode on, No 7 (Logan Gamble) passed to Horan, a shot came, the timber was trembled (phwoar) and No17 (Abdou Soumare) gobbled up the loose ball and snatched the lead goal.  There was now less than 20 minutes to play, the home No 8 (Jack Eaton) thrusted, entered the box and was tumbled - the referee wasted no time in giving a penalty.  Horan took responsibility and cracked in a low and solid strike - 3 - 1 - was that game done?


The guests were now scrambling around like vagabonds at a jumble sale, Wilsmlow looked to add a further kick in the opposing gonads with a corner won.  The delivery was sound but No 12's (Alfayad Barry) header was just shy of the mark.  Leigh bounced back, Parry laid off to Boardman who cracked off a superb shot that was wonderfully saved.  The ball was loose, Clarice was upended, another penalty the outcome.  Sims stepped up, the lead was now only 1 goal.


Leigh probed late on, a little luck was needed to just grab a share of the spoils.  Alas a slip nearly saw them throw the game completely away but their No 1 stood firm and kept matters alive.  This was all irrelevant however as the referee called a halt to the game and Wilmslow Albion strode off worthy winners.  Man of the Match was considered, I opted for Wilmslow Albion’s No 5 (Darrin Marcus) who had a little touch of class, a certain composure and a good quiet approach that made sure he was focused at all times.  A good example of Non-League doofing methinks.


FINAL THOUGHTS - A sunny night, 5 goals, a few wildlife examples, a quid for a coffee and some honest endeavour away from the claptrap of the big business bollocks that has poisoned the upper realms of this fine game - why on earth do more people not support this kind of sport?  Anyway - the 2 teams tonight worked hard, the pitch was firm and unforgiving and the outcome was perhaps the right result.  There is work to be done methinks - both teams need the all-important 'composure' factor - especially up front when chances need to be taken to make any inroads in what is a competitive league.  This is easier said than done, but communication and using the full space on the park is crucial.  Wilmslow's greatest asset seems to be defence, they battle well and go about their business with quiet authority.  Leigh have several busy bees in their midst with good vision and overall awareness, they just need to fine tune those killer touches at the apical end and I am sure matters will progress nicely.  Having said all this, we are in the midst of the Non-League nether regions where there are many predatory perverts waiting to pilfer any players with a suggestion of promise and thus leave teams scraping the barrel and always on the hunt to patch matters up.  It is what it is and let us face it, this is not about glory, it is just about the game - and so it should be!

PS - If any names are spelt incorrectly I do apologise but I make no apologies for some of the handwriting on the teamsheets - please see the headmaster!

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